Conceptualizing the process of organizational crisis management with a strategic approach

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Tarbiat Modarres, Business Management Department


The purpose of this theory-building inquiry, which conducted based on Lynham theory-building methodology, is developing a new model for systematic management of organizational crisis. By taking a strategic approach to the issue, it was developed a new classification of organizational crisis that underlying the organization's weaknesses and its environmental threats for identification of a different potential crisis. In addition to providing a basis for comprehensive identification of crises, this new classification integrate and align organizational crisis management system with strategic management system. Then, by assuming that resources are limited to managing all potential crisis, the need to determine the strategic importance level of the crisis was explained And thus a systematic process of crisis management was developed with an emphasis on the determining importance level of potential crises through their compliance with the key success factors. The developed model can be used in the design and establishment of an organization's crisis management system with a strategic approach


  • الف. فارسی

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    • معمارزاده، غلامرضا؛ سرفرازی، مهرزاد (1389)، بررسی گام‎های فرآیند مدیریت بحران در سازمان، پژوهشنامه مدیریت بحران، شماره 51، صص 9 تا 76.


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