Evaluation and prioritization of cultural strategies by applying Analytic hierarchy process.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D . Professor in Social Science at Bagher all Oloom Institute

2 Graduated from Ph.D. University and National Defense Research Institute, Strategic Research and responsible author


One of the considerable problem in the strategic management process, especially when strategies are formulated by a relatively large number of experts, is the difficulty in reaching an agreement on determining the related environmental factors, and gaining consensus in the prioritization of implementing the intended strategies.
This issue is more substantial in our country's cultural space, which is wider and more profound for a variety of reasons, disagreements and taste differences. Therefore, the necessity of using the models and approaches that can create the necessary consensus in this regard based on a defendable and solid method, is thought to be obvious.
In the present article, based on a survey at the level of one of the deputies of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to address the above problem, and in fact, the elaboration and prioritization of environmental factors and effective cultural strategies for the youth of the country has been done initially by utilizing the Delphi's approach to the determination and certainty of environmental factors and, then the evaluation of these factors has been made using the ''Internal & External Factor Evaluation matrix'' and "strategic position assessment charts"; this is due to the considerable number of members of the Delphi panel ( 95 subjects) was done by "normalization method''. Then, in the next step of the research, while designing two types of questionnaires for the paired comparisons with innovative dimensions, the prioritization of the proposed strategies as developed by using a matrix (SWOT), was carried out with the "Analytical Hierarchy Analytic Model" (AHP) Anyway, as this method represents one of the most effective ways of prioritizing the strategies in the space of strategic issues.


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