Systemic Approach in Developing the Reengineering Strategies for the National Administrative Structure

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor in Standard Research Institue

2 Ph.D. in Future Studies:Correspondent author


Administrative system is of various dimensions the one important of which is structure.  The main constituents of a desirable administrative system have been mentioned in the general policies of administrative system communicated by the Supreme Leader(ph). Accordingly, this study mainly aims at definition of the most appropriate strategy for reengineering the structure of administrative system in regard with the key effective forces in shaping the systemic thought in such strategies. This study, an applied one in goal, and methodologically a descriptive survey,  makes up a sample of 49 MPs of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the faculty members in concerned public administration and public senior directors; to gather data, it exploits a questionnaire the validity and reliability of which are respectively confirmed with calculas of Tension Rate and by experts. In the following, three strategies are presented and prioritized through analysis of pros and cons, opportunities and threats of the administrative system. Meanwhile, to identify the priority of teh strategies in terms of elucidation of key systemic thought forces, it applies Analytical Hierarch Process. In the same vein, it determines seven key driving and preventing forces in the systemic thought in relation to the administrative system structure and then examines the capacity of strategies in clarification of the forces through binary comparison and finally determines the appropriate strategy. The outcome of the study reveals that the advised strategy is of a high potency both in relation to reasoning of strategic studies and elucidation of systemic thought.  Empowerment of human resources, avoidance of trivial optimization thought, non-generalization of group features and effective use of institutional bedrock in commensurate with the administrative system structure are of the main suggestions given for the success of reengineering the administrative system structure.
