Study of the Strategic Model of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Cultural Promotion System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Strategic Cultural Management at University and the National

2 Institute of Defense for Strategic Research and the author

3 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University


What developed countries in the field of “cultural promotion” have experienced is not compatible with a number of our Islamic rules and cultural notions and norms. This is why it is doubly critical to design and present a “strategic model for the system of cultural promotion within the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Although the life of the Islamic Republic of Iran is nearly as long as four decades, such a model is yet to be drafted. This void not only may lead to insufficient policies but it can also encourage the players of the cultural domain to act as far-off islands. Thus this research mainly focuses on the lack of a codified strategic model for the “country's system of cultural promotion.” Accordingly, the general purpose of this research is to “design a strategic model for the cultural promotion system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Such a model should include the components, categories and important concepts of the system and the way they interact and communicate among themselves. This is a “developmental research,” where among “mixed methods of research,” the “exploratory type” and “plan data gathering instruments” are utilized. Our study shows that the central concept in the works and words of the Guardian Jurist (vali-e faqih) -i.e., the supreme leaders- in the field of cultural promotion revolves around “promoting with the aim of elevating the country’s culture based on self-assurance.” Our results suggest that the country's policy makers shall ground the focus of efforts and approaches in the field of “cultural promotion” on religious principles and teachings, informed by a native strategic model.


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