The National Bureaucratic System in light of the Macro Policies of Administrative System Communicated by the Supreme Leader: Conceptual Model for Reengineering the Structure

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate in Strategic Management, Lecturer at SNDU

2 Ph.D. Candidate for Strategic Knowledge Management of Future Studies, SNDU.

3 Ph.D. Candidate for Strategic Management of Futures Studies, correspondent author


In regard with the macro policies for administrative system communicated by the Supreme Leader (PH), the current need to reengineer the national administrative system in accordance with the policies in integration and coordination reveals the development of a conceptual model for reengineering the national administrative system as a necessity more than ever. Accordingly, the current paper is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in regard with method. Besides examination and analysis of the present documents and references, this research exploits the sextet structural clauses of the macro policies and recognizes the main constituents effective in bureaucratic structure in light of the viewpoints rendered by the experts and clarifies the conceptual model for reengineering the national bureaucratic system through environmental examination, diagnosis and development of strategy.
