Planning a Local Model for Joint Forces IRI Armed Forces

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, National Defense Research Center and Strategic Research

2 Staff Colonel; Graduate of Joint and Combined Operations; the IRI Army's University of Command and Staff


Nature of ware is changing along with developments in social, cultural, economic and political phenomena. This change appears in the form of extending the old concepts of war in some cases, and making them concerted with the new theoretical frameworks in other cases. The nature of modern threats and future warfare makes it necessary to think about organizing and planning the group and joint wars, as joint forces. This would provide the military forces with synergy, in order to respond the future war theater's requirements. The main problem of the research is a local model for establishment of joint forces in the IRI Armed Forces. The research is applied and developmental, and concerning the nature and method it is a descriptive study with context analysis approach. The researcher has collected many documents, sources and experts' opinions and conducted a comparative study, regarding the situations in some developed countries. The combined and mixed methods have been applied to integrate the collected statistical data. Then, the presented model was tested and validated, using Delphi method, by the elites. The results of the study consist of various dimensions, items and indices as well as their relationships, which made a local model for establishment of joint forces in the IRI Armed Forces.


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