Exploration is based grounded theory on creating hope in society in order to fulfill the statement of the second step of the revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Faculty of Management, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD. student at Farhangian University, and Responsible Author


Hope is a concept that guides and shapes the efforts of individuals and communities to achieve success and progress;If one day is taken from human society ,the gloom and weakness of that society will prevail and it will move towards decline and stagnation.Ayatollah Khamenei in the statement of the second step of the revolution addressed to the Iranian nation for "the second stage of self-construction ,socialization and civilization", considered the basic key of all locks as hope And in their first recommendation, they invite the Iranian nation to hope and an optimistic view of the future.The purpose of this study is to provide a model of creating hope in order to fulfill the statement of the second step of the revolution based on the mixed method. In this study, the statement of the second step of the revolution and the statements of the Supreme Leader were the basis of analysis, which were analyzed by the data theorizing method of the foundation. The reliability of the data was evaluated by Cohen's kappa coefficient and their validity was confirmed by Delphi method and Kendall coefficient. Based on the findings national and international authority, religious and religious identity, purposefulness of the national will, transformationalism and social discipline as causal factors ;Jihad is creating hope, building trust ,developing social understanding, religiosity, authoritarianism ,providing security, political development, wealth creation and justice, and citizenship as the Strategies; Efficiency, community spirituality, self-confidence, social acceptability, support as the basis ;Social Communication ,Community Risk Taking ,Future Predictability, Services(Facilitators)and conflicts and ambiguities of political inflammation, undesirable hope and false social suffering(limiters)as interveners; finally, social knowledge ,social vitality ,resilience ,development and progress, social peace and social health were identified as outcomes.


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