Providing a strategy for measuring the state of smartness and the structure of public organizations through the design of a fuzzy expert system

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. Responsible Author

2 . Director of ICT office in

3 . Member of the Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.


The scope of activities and strategic goals in modern organizations has led to the development of organizational structure and increase their utilization of various IT-based systems. Inadequate bureaucracy and administrative hierarchies in public organizations such as ministries make them difficult to manage. The diversity of policy units, the weakness of management power in achieving organizational goals, and as a result, poor monitoring and evaluation of programs in these organizations, making them smart is essential. But considering the structural and functional complexities of these organizations, how can one measure their smartness and organizational structure. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of providing a strategy for measuring the status of smartness and the structure of public organizations. The method of work includes designing a fuzzy expert system; First, effective indicators were identified. Then, using fuzzy theory and expert opinion, a fuzzy expert system was designed. In the designed system, 13 quality indicators were used that can determine the status of the structure and the level of smartness of the organization in 5 categories. In order to collect research data, a questionnaire was designed and provided to managers and senior experts of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and then technology radar is used to display the system output results. Finally, the system sensitivity is analyzed. Based on the research results, the studied organization is in an unfavorable situation in terms of smartness and organizational structure.


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