Human Capital Productivity Model in the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces (Case study: Supreme National Defense University)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member/ Supreme National Defense University

2 Ph.D in Behavioral Management, Kharazmi University


Human capital is one of the most basic strategic resources of any organization, so that one of the priorities for the development of the organization is to pay attention to the productivity of human capital. The purpose of this study is to design a model of human capital productivity in the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case study: Supreme National Defense University). This research in terms of purpose is applied and development. In terms of data collection is qualitative. in terms of method is descriptive-analytical with exploratory method. In this study, documents and articles in the field of human capital productivity were carefully examined. Structured interviews were also conducted with experts at the Supreme National Defense University. The collected data were analyzed in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. In the present study, 4866 initial codes, 238 concepts, 70 sub-categories and 29 main categories were identified. The research results were designed as a model of human capital productivity based on the Grounded theory approach in the form of causal conditions, axial phenomena, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences


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