Foresight of Strategies for Key Actors of Crude Oil Using the Combination of Structural Analysis and MACTOR Method

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor in Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to explore the strategies of key actors using the MACTOR model in the 1410s horizons. The data of this paper includes 68 factors, which are obtained by combining Elite interview and Delphi method. Finally, 40 specific factors were collected through questionnaires, their interactions, and analyzed with the micro-data software. Finally, six factors are identified as key events and impacts that have the most impact on future crude oil prices. Based on the outcomes of structural analysis and MICMAC software, the variables are US energy policy, Russia's energy diplomacy, China and India's growth, Middle East and North Africa fragmentation, European Union solidarity and crude oil price, and its fluctuations as key variables. The results of the MACTOR method show that the United States is considered to be the most influential player on the horizon of 1410, the most powerful actor in the system and OPEC. And it has most of the key variables. The impact of different actors and the imbalance between elected actors in the key elements of future crude oil futures is one of the issues that threatens the management of the oil industry as strategic level management.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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