Exploring the nature of strategy: Laying the groundwork for creating new ideas

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Entrepreneurship/University of Tehran/Tehran/Iran. and Responsible Author, Email: vahabi.m@ut.ac.ir

2 Technological Entrepreneurship Department/Faculty of Entrepreneurship /University of Tehran

3 Faculty of Economics/University of Tehran

4 Associate Professor of Public Management of Faculty of Management, Alborz Campus University, Tehran, Iran


Although the strategy is an essential element to achieve organizational goals, this concept is not considered as a unified whole in nature. It can be said that the reason is referring to the definitions that appear to be very diverse and refer to the multi-faceted prism of knowing about the nature of this phenomenon which inevitably leads to misinterpretations and lack of consensus among experts in this field. But the existence of different natures of this concept is inevitable. It is worth noting, while active thinkers in the field of strategic management, sometimes neglect the achievements of interdisciplinary studies including philosophical sciences, they have become accustomed to reproducing static theories, this research is trying to explore the dynamic nature of strategy with an analytical-fundamental method and using the scientific way of thinking. Therefore, the first step begins with the analysis of definitions, and the second step attempts to understand the concepts behind their appearances by clarifying their origins. The achievement of these two steps is establishing a link between the analysis with the causes and the underlying layers of thought and the basic assumptions of the theories that form them and obtaining the three natures (science, experience, and craft) of the strategy. But this research goes beyond mere exploration, and by taking the third step in synthesizing existing natures based on Kant's philosophical foundations and the real foundations of human nature as creative, innovative, non-teleological, and imaginative, a new idea about the nature of strategy will provide.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    • دانایی فرد, ح (1385)، کنکاشی در مبانی فلسفی نظریه پیچیدگی: آیا علم پیچیدگی صبغه پست مدرنیست دارد؟ مدرس علوم انسانی, 10 ، پیاپی (46) ویژه نامه مدیریت.


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