Codification of System of Issues in the Strategic Cultural Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Cultural Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University, and Responsible Author

2 Assistant professor of Supreme National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of Cultural Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University


Culture is the highest element that has a fundamental role in the existence of any society. Along with the political and economic dimensions, culture is also one of the dimensions of society and its most important, and the development of a society depends on the development, excellence and deepening of culture in accordance with it in all layers of society. Therefore, although culture has always been considered, but its generalization and understanding of its importance in human life and its impact on all social, political, economic and ... behaviors due to the complex and changing conditions of the new age, has led to a more prominent consideration To take. The present study, by identifying the issues of strategic cultural management of the country, while determining the accurate and accepted criteria by the scientific community and compiling it in the form of a conceptual model, after validation, has identified, sorted and prioritized existing and desirable issues and issues. The method in this research is evolutionary. In this research, two field methods and a scientific and specialized library method were used to collect data. To analyze the collected information, the rules of modeling in the evolutionary research method have been used. The most important method of data analysis in the evolutionary research method, "speculation, selection, processing" of the dimensions and descriptive components of the model, has been collected based on information. Findings of this research have been compiled in three sections: concepts or content (basic, structural and applied), structure and systems (macro, intermediate and micro) and products (human and effective factor; technology and cultural act; and goods, services and works).

