Strategies of law enforcement services based on the school of Shahid Soleimani in the second step of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Disciplinary Prevention Group. Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences. Associate member of the Iranian Law Enforcement Research Association.

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Management. Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences. Associate member of the Iranian Law Enforcement Research Association

3 Assistant Professor of Disciplinary Prevention Group. Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences. responsible author


Background and Aim: Recourse to effective models in providing law enforcement services to the people, while speeding up the movement and improving the quality of police law enforcement services, prevents possible deviations in the designated path. The purpose of this study is to provide law enforcement strategies based on the school of Shahid Soleimani in the second step of the revolution.
Method: This research is an applied research and its method is descriptive Delphi. First, by studying the documents and field studies of the existing capacities in the police and community organization, a list of weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and external threats in the law enforcement services was extracted, and then in order to weigh the indicators. Extraction: 57-item questionnaire for design experts and after three stages, data were analyzed and 48 indicators were extracted in four axes. Data were analyzed using swot technique.
 Findings: The findings of this study show that "high jihadi spirit among managers and commanders" with a final score of 0.20, as the most important internal strength and "the centrality of the Soleimani school between tastes" Various cultural »with a final score of 0.36 as the most important external opportunity in the management strategies of law enforcement services based on the school of Shahid Soleimani is in the second step of the revolution. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the police can reduce some of the external threats that are effective in developing this approach by focusing on internal strengths and taking advantage of external opportunities. By reviewing the programs within the organization and eliminating the weaknesses and vulnerabilities, as well as using the comparative advantages and adapting its services to the extraterrestrial manifestations of the Shahid Soleimani school, it can take a big step in managing desirable law-based services. Take this school in the second step of the Islamic Revolution.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    • قانون نیروی انتظامی جمهموری اسلامی ایران.
    • کیانی، غلامرضا و غفاریان، وفا (1390)، راهبرد اثربخش. تهران: نشر فردا.
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