designing desired pattern of cultural tourism development in iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of science and research branch, Islamic azad university Tehran iran.

2 Associate professor,Faculty of management and economics,Research and science branch , Islamic azad university,Tehran,Iran. (Responsible for correspondence )

3 Assistant Professor,Faculty of management and economics,Research and science branch , Islamic azad university,Tehran,Iran.

4 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch.


Due to the increasing share of cultural tourists in the world and Iran's position in terms of cultural tourism, special attention has not been paid to cultural tourism in the country and scientific understanding of its facilities, limitations, opportunities and threats. Unfortunately, Iran's situation compared to other countries , Is not desirable and noteworthy. in terms of strategic survey and in terms of the nature of this research is applied. In relation to the research method, it seeks to identify the relationships between cultural tourism and the factors affecting it using the structural equation system. In terms of controlling the studied variables, the research is non-experimental, in terms of strategic survey and in terms of the nature of this research is applied. The statistical population in the quantitative section was all employees and managers of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. In the quantitative part, the sampling method is stratified. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size. Based on this, 383 samples were estimated. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that content validity was used to determine the validity and validity of the questionnaire and also the construct validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the study was calculated using Cronbach's alpha test of 0.92. The results of quantitative analysis showed that social indicators have the greatest impact among the indicators of cultural tourism in the country.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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