The Role of organizational culture in establishment of Knowledge management in Iran itealth Insurance organization

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated in knowledge Strategic Management at Supreme National Defense University


The organization environment should be a knowledge environment with pro-knowledge managers. Because one of the most important factors for project success is knowledge management and it is the hardest factor for creating an organizational culture. The present study investigates the role of organizational culture in the establishment of knowledge management of Iran health Insurance organization. The sample size of the study was 52 employees of Ilam health Insurance. To collect the data, Questionnaires were used, consisting of two parts, organizational culture (Quinn model) and knowledge management (sharon Lawson model) .To analyze date, we applied both descriptive and inferential statistics. descriptive statistics included: central tendency, sidpersion and graphs.inferential statistics included pearson correlation coefficient, Regression analysis, variance analysis and t-test. Market culture 0/795, chief status (salar) culture 0/701, tribal culture 0/559, hierarchical culture 0/519, respectively had the most relationship with knowledge management establishment in organization and analyzing that identified base on these evidences showed that organization culture 80 % influences the implementation of knowledge management in this organization. Findings indicate that the dominant culture in health insurance is market culture , ands the most important finding of this study is that Ilam health Insurance organization employees are looking for knowledge with high percentage (0/75).


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