Determining and Evaluating the Criteria of ICTs Using Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Environmental Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran

2 . PhD Student in Environmental Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran

3 Prof., Department of Environmental Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran

4 . Assistant Prof., Department of Environmental Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran


The purpose of the present study was to present and implement a model to evaluate the performance of television networks and rank them based on criteria extracted from various studies and opinions of audiovisuals.Research Method The research is descriptive-analytical and its nature is applied.In this research, the theoretical framework of research was first collected through gathering information through library and electronic resources and articles.Then, in order to select audiovisual TV networks, based on the expert opinions and review of previous research, the proposed dimensions and criteria were identified.Then, pairwise comparisons of dimensions and criteria were carried out with the help of 20 expert media experts using FAHP method.Their evaluation is based on their experiences and studies.After paired comparisons, weights for each dimension and criterion were obtained.Then, prioritizing the networks using a combination of FAHP and FTOPSIS methods.The results show that three-, one-, and two-dimensional networks had the best performance, respectively, on the basis of the set of evaluation criteria.Since the performance strengths and weaknesses of SIMA networks in the implementation of the model are also extracted in terms of performance, the results of the research can be the basis for planning and prioritizing goals to improve the performance of television networks.


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