Alternative Futures of population Ageing in Iran With Causal Layered Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of futures studies, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


While population ageing is not a trend unique to Iran, but it has beenrepresented in the IranS social and cultural context in opposing ways. On the one hand, ageing is portrayed as a“The silver tsunami” which threatens Iran’s future economic prospects and societal welfare. Onthe other hand, ageing is seen in a morepositive light through discourses of “active” and “successful ageing” with the elderly continuing to make important contributions to society as they age.
In thispaper, we demonstrate how Causal Layered Analysis can be used to develop   alternative futures of ageing by dissecting the ideologies and myths underlying Dominant   representations of ageing in Iran. Also we argue that current representations of ageing reveal instrumental   ways of thinking about ageing as “wealth” or “burden”.
 In this regard, first review the current views before explaining their implications for policymaking in the field of aging, and then discuss current assumptions and positions regarding the phenomenon, as well as the fundamental ideologies and The fundamental metaphors that dominate the most obvious (Lithuanian) layer of causal layered analysis of Iran's aging phenomenon have been analyzed and criticized, along with the overarching explicit layers of aging that shape current programs in the country, and ultimately " well- being future". The Lithuanian alternative and "vitality" as an alternative metaphor it has been suggested as an alternative metaphor for this phenomenon, and development policies related to aging have been elaborated with the aim of creating a specific perspective.


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