Effects of an efficient tax system on improving the business environment within the framework of general economic and resistance policies.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D student in strategic management of National Defense University

2 Professor and Member of faculty of Tehran university


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of an efficient tax system on improving the business environment within the framework of general economic and resistance policies. The general policies of economics and resilience in this study act as a framework in which all decisions and policies adopted to improve the business environment must be made. Obviously, if a policy or decision is contrary to this policy, it should be amended and amended if possible, and amended if it is not possible. This research is a descriptive research in terms of the purpose and nature of the problem under study, applied research; in terms of data collection method, survey research; Finally, the method of data collection is library-field type, which means that in the study of research literature, the library method and in other parts of the questionnaire have been used to collect information. To validate the validity of the questionnaire, a valid factor analysis test is used and to measure the reliability of Cronbach's alpha, it is used. In order to measure the relationships, a structural equation modeling test has been used. The research findings show that all the indicators of the process components of the efficient tax system affect the improvement of the business environment by affecting the tax payment index.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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