Possible future war management according to existing trends and drivers

Document Type : Original Article


.Dafous faculty member and future war researcher


The coming war is not a paradigm (model) and a war, but a new managerial approach or a different view of war definitions. The patterns of future warfare have one thing in common: managing to change the shape of the war through a formative process based on important milestones. But each of these models has a specific basis for staging and managing the evolution of the war, which makes their description somewhat different from each other.
The main purpose of this research is to spectrum the best war patterns and compare the strengths of the two sides to manage the possible future war according to the current trends and prophecies, in full and through in-depth interviews with experts and experts, which are 30 people. These studies have been conducted in a case-by-case manner and are of the developmental-applied type. The method of field and library information collection has been analyzed using expert analysis methods. Is. Based on the available results, in the future war, the alignment and non-alignment of the war have a significant relationship with the level of deterrence and severity of conflict. There are 14 future war paradigms or paradigms that are influenced by 9 trends and 8 leaders. According to existing management approaches, emerging patterns of future warfare are: cyber warfare, the superior model of cognitive-centered approach, unconventional warfare, the superior model of idealistic approach, resistance warfare, the superior model of ideological-centric approach.


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