A Strategic Pattern for Arms Export’s Development at Organizational

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. of Management from Supreme National Defense University


Export development in a resisting economy is a policy whose benefits are not limited to economic sanctions. The emphasis on exporting high-tech products is also becoming more and more important nowadays, with some tech-savvy countries exporting a significant portion of their exports through arms exports. Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iran has achieved a successful record in the development of military weapons. On the other hand, arms exports, because of their high compliance with at least three approaches of "endogeny", "extroversion" and "knowledge-based", among the five main approaches of resistance economy policies, are fully in line with this pattern. Therefore, the main issue of this study is to formulate a strategic model at the organizational level that will put the country's defense industry on the path described. The present study is practical-developmental, in terms of approach is a mixed one, and in nature represents a descriptive-analytical study. As the researcher seeks to design and develop a pattern of export development in a specific areas (weaponry), his research method is of type “case and context based”. In order to gather information, the researcher, while introducing the “Matrix of Identification and Categorizing Strategic Issues-MICSI”, uses various methods such as library studies, document review, expert interviews, content analysis and finally researcher-made questionnaires. Then, it validates the identified themes using structural equation modeling in the form of 2 dimensions, 8 components and 37 indices and introduces the research pattern. Based on the obtained weights, the researcher introduces the organizational commitment model and makes suggestions based on the results of the present study and for future research.


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