Designing a cultural policy model for national media

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of faculty of shahid rajaee university

2 Member of faculty of supreme national defense university

3 Ph.D in national security of supreme national defense university

4 Student of the first cultural course of the National Defense University


Radio and television media, which are a combination of technology and culture, are doubling when it comes to decision-making and policy-making. The cultural aspect of the media is full of virtual affairs and verbal connotations, and is influenced by organizational structures in the policy-making process. In contrast, the technical part of the media has dominated culture in the age of information explosion and has shifted cultural policy toward technological structure. .
In this context, some media thinkers warn about the sacrifice of art at the foot of technology and express concern about the deterioration of human relations with the universe and the real world during the power period of virtual media. The nature of this research is "developmental-applied" considering the nature of the problem and the characteristics of its goals and questions and the need to be within the framework of theory and modeling. For this research, the foundation's data method with selected content analysis approach has been used. For data collection, in-depth interviews and focused groups, and for data analysis, coding method, which is considered as a kind of content analysis in the foundation's data method. Is. Finally, considering the important technological developments in national media and recognizing the features of content and structure through conversation with selected experts, a multifaceted model was designed for cultural policy of national media that while identifying the characteristics and components of Iranian-Islamic culture, has it


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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