Provide a paradigm shift in private sector economic strategy From the Imam's point of view, leadership and constitution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Invited Professor of the supreme National Defense University

2 PhD student, Strategic Management in supreme National Defense University and Responsible Writer


Over the years, with a foundation to influence the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Washington's principles for the people, and the media's endorsement of 44, the foundations of financial services and a special place in financial services are still being exploited through potential. We are successful in this area. Currently, with the aim of achieving a limited perspective in the area of ​​explaining the management strategy of a particular section of the Imam, the leadership and the law that has been done. The research method is qualitative and evidence-based on the theory of data processing. Using this available data, you can use this information to be controlled and tested. With this program, you may be empowered in a parliament and given to you to use it, and you may be able to use it, and you may be able to change your strategy in government so that it can be given to you as an experiment. Social decision-making according to the agenda.
The private sector in the country has fundamental rights. Transparency of information to strengthen the competitive structure and equal and fair access to information and the free participation of individuals in economic activities and enjoy legal privileges are among the rights of this sector of the national economy. Effectively respects the legitimate ownership of the private sector and all rights arising from it.


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