strategic model in the field Jihad of construction through the experiences gained from the discourse of Velayat-e faqih and the constitution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management at supreme national defense university

2 Faculty member of Azad university, north bran


This study is conducted due to the lack of a strategic model in the field Jihad of construction through the experiences gained from the discourse of Velayat-e faqih and the constitution and the role of Jihad of Construction in the development and development of villages as well as imposed war and providing a kind of native management based on Islamic and revolutionary values which is practically not documented through scientific frameworks and strategic models and on the other hand, the importance of modeling and modeling in management, With the aim of achieving a strategic model in the field of jihad of construction for country administration and transnational exploitation and also the explanation of divine discourse of Velayat-e faqih in this field, extracting the axes and approaches of the constitution in this field explaining, documenting and theorizing the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran's holy system and determining dimensions, components, sub-components and the relationship between them in the strategic model of jihad of  construction.
This research is applied-developmentand is done using mixed research method and utilizing the data theory of the foundation and structural-interpretive modeling to explore phenomena and concepts and their relationship with each other.
The strategic model of jihad of constructivist was presented in 9 dimensions, 21 components and 115 indicators which the dimensions of the doctrine with 3 components and 19 indicators, Goals with 3 components and 12 indicators and policies with 3 components and 11 indicators as the main elements of the discourse of Velayat-e faqih, the constitution and the upstream documents were extracted.
Also, planning dimensions with 2 components and 14 indicators, organization with 2 components and 12 indicators, leadership with 2 components and 29 indicators, coordination with 2 components and 5 indicators, implement and run with 2 components and 5 indicators, monitoring and evaluation with 2 components and 8 indicatorswere extracted from the experience of the system in the field of constructivism, as a managerial dimension


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