Developing a strategic model of human capital empowerment with a structural equation approach (Case Study: Tourist Organization of Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student of strategic management at supreme national defense university


The purpose of this research is to develop a strategic model of human capital empowerment with a structural equation approach and to answer the question: What is the strategic model of human capital empowerment of Tourism Organization of Tehran?
The research population in this study is divided into two groups. The first group consists of 10 professors and experts in the field of human resources (to confirm the components of research and conceptual model) and the second group includes all managers and employees of the tourism organization of Tehran province and its subsidiary organizations, whose number is 1892 people. The Morgan table was a sample of 367 people. The data were collected through a questionnaire tool from the level of the two communities of experts and the staff of the staff.
The analysis of the questionnaire with experts' opinions and its reliability with Cronbach's alpha was confirmed. Data analysis using the structural equation approach was used. Results showed All components (vision and mission, organization line, partners and stakeholders, employees and processes), along with the following components, are effective in empowering the human capital of the Tourism Organization of the province of Tehran.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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