Synthesis of development culture in active economic organizations in the defense sector of the country

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of cultural management at azad university, Tehran branch

2 Associate professor and faculty member of Islamic azad university, Tehran branch

3 faculty member of Islamic azad university, Tehran branch


Today, the use of the term development, especially its economic type, among economic activists, intellectuals and laborers in the field of production and economics has become a common and valuable organizational culture, and achieving it, in particular, sustainable economic development, is a dream and It has become a major target for business executives and activists. The activists, owners and trustees of the aforementioned economic organizations have made large and large investments in order to reach their predefined goals and objectives. Provide a complete, relatively accurate and effective model and model for achieving these important goals. In this research we seek a model and model with a cultural approach and the development of a culture of development in economic organizations active in the sector. We are defending the country using cultural dimensions and components.
The present study was conducted with the aim of systematic study and a comprehensive overview of theoretical models and researches carried out in the field of development culture at the organizational level in Iran and other countries. The method of this research is qualitative and of the type of research synthesis that is accomplished by the method of content analysis with the help of interconnection, and is applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research and the main sources of information gathering is the numerous studies that have been conducted in recent years in the field of culture and development in Iran and abroad. Of the 79 papers selected from the valid domestic and foreign databases, 61 samples were selected purposefully. Among them, 21 components were identified, and finally four components were extracted as final components. In this research, firstly, with analyzes conducted in the field of development culture, coding and classification of information from the research carried out, and the patterns, theoretical foundations of the field of culture and development were extracted. In the next step, the analysis of inductive content and a combination of these categories is carried out and the results of these analyzes are the extraction of a conceptual framework in the field of development culture studies around the four main dimensions, the components of the level of economic, social, political and creativity at the organizational level.


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