Provide a National Production Strategic Pattern with a Resilience Economy Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran

2 Member of the Expediency Council

3 Professor of Faculty of Business Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University

4 Ph.D Students in S.N.D.U.


Today, the importance of economic power and the prominent role of national production in the economic development and progress of human societies is no secret to anyone. On the other hand, the importance of this issue for the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is based on a particular ideology and divine worldview, has always been subject to a variety of hard and soft domains since the victory of the revolution, and is now facing a full-scale economic war be very important respect to already.
This research, which is a mixed exploratory study and is also a developmental-applied research, is based on library and documentary studies, meaning that through a comprehensive review of the theoretical literature, and the supreme leadership's statements (A), documentation and factors affecting the category of national production as well as establishing a rational and consistent relationship with the Resistance Economics literature as an explanation of the economic environment of the country and with reference to the categories of systemic attitudes, strategic environments, and future planning modeling approach. On the one hand, as well as referring to economic experts and interviews with national production experts, as well as a comparative study of the five top economic countries (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan), the prospectus document, using descriptive statistics techniques Using a content analysis approach and a factor analysis test, the design of a "national production strategic model with a resistive economy approach" was designed. The model consists of 3 dimensions, 22 components and 105 indicators that followed its validation process.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    ب. منابع لاتین

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