Achieving to a comprehensive and acceptable theory of revolutions, especially religious revolutions, is a necessary and important issue for direction and guidance of popular movements in the turbulent and changing world. This research tries methodologically to provide a schema for the theory of Islamic revolution which enjoys enough citations and is defendable in compare to other theories which have been provided. It is done by studying the Holy Quran and using unfalsifiable teachings of revelationon the basis of the verse 25 of AL-Hadid sura. This is exploratory and qualitative research that in theoretical framework obtained through analytical method, achieving the Islamic Revolution theory based on the teachings of the Holy Qur'an is derived through the interpretive method and the assessing the validity and explanatory power of this theory in comparison with other theories has been carried out through a comparative study. The resulting theory, as a schematic and prelude to definite and detail the Islamic Revolution, states that “the Islamic Revolution is a popular uprising based on the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the religion of Islam with the goal of fundamental transformation and overthrow of the oppressor and corrupt tyranny and establishment of new state and system based on the Islamic teachings and norms and the criteria of knowlegde, truth, justice and equity, with the focus of religious leadership and through awareness and mobilization of the people and a decisive and violent approach to the enemies.”
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Ebadi, S. K. (2019). 'Schema of Islamic revolution based upon teachings of verse 25 of Al-Hadid sura of the Holy Quran', Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 3(11), pp. 275-302.
Ebadi, S. K. Schema of Islamic revolution based upon teachings of verse 25 of Al-Hadid sura of the Holy Quran. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 2019; 3(11): 275-302.