Title: Presenting a Strategic Pattern on the State Retirement Administration based on Imam and Leadership Discourse, Constitution, Islamic Republic of Iran Experiences and Utilizing Successful Human Experiences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Payam Noor University

2 PhD student of Strategic Management; Deputy of Financial Administration of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee


The main purpose of this research is to provide a strategic model for the management of state retirement affairs based on the discourse of the Imam and the leadership, the constitution, the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the use of successful human experience. For this purpose, 80 experts from the State Pension Fund have been used to sample and collect information. In the analytical section of this thesis, using the content analysis of the upstream documents and laws, the experiences of the system and the international experiences as well as the words of the Imams revolution, the codes related to the nine dimensions of the model (doctrine, policy, goals, planning, organization , Guidance, coordination, control, implementation and implementation). For alalyzing data Maxqda software is used. Finally, this research has identified a model with nine-dimensional indicators and sub-components related to the strategic model of retirement management, each of which has its own weight.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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