Introducing a Substantive Model of Risk-Taking Culture in Defensive Organizations Based on Supreme Leader Statements

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor - Government Management- Shahid Sattari University of Aviation Science and Technology

2 Associate Professor - Government Management- Shahid Sattari University of Aviation Science and Technology

3 Assistant Professor, Educational Management, Islamic Azad University

4 Faculty Member - Educational Management- Shahid Sattari Air University


The Present Era is a Period of Sweeping and Overwhelming Changes That are Filled with Vague Situations, with Opportunities and Threats in Various Fields Facing Leading Executives and Organizations. Effective Managing and Commanding in Such Situations Requires Having Risk Management Skills and Promoting a Risk-Taking Culture Appropriate to The Nature and Status of Any Organization. This Research Seeks To Provide a Model Of Risk-Taking Culture in Defensive Organizations of Islamic Republic of Iran and Provides Suggestions For Promoting Risk-Taking Culture. This Research Is a Practical and Qualitative-Inductive Research. Grounded Theory Has Been Used for Introducing The Model. The Sources of Research Information are Statements of Our Supreme Leader in defensive organizations. Research Findings Show That Risk-Taking Culture Consists of Four Main Dimensions: Risk-Orienting, Flexibility and Dynamism, AdventuresomeDecision-Making, Humanism. In Addition, Factors Facilitating the Development of Risk-Taking Culture are: Values, Risk Competencies, Motivational System, Organizational Relationships and Organizational Requirements.Accordingly, Some Practical Suggestions Have Been Used for Promoting a Culture of Risk-Taking in Such Organizations.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

    • قران کریم، ﺳﻮره الرعد، آﯾه 11
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    • دفت، ریچارد. ال. (1394)، مبانی رفتار سازمانی (علی پارساییان و سید محمد اعرابی، مترجمان) تهران: انتشارات دفتر پژوهش‌های فرهنگی.
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