The Role and Impact of Institutions on Implementation of Overall Resistance Economy Policies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D of Economics and Associate Professor of Imam Hussein University

2 Graduate of Ph.D Futures Studies University and Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research center


The economic war of global arrogance with the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent years, after which the announcement of the general resistance policies by the Supreme Leader and its repeated emphasis on its implementation, has made important the implementation of communication policies. From the point of view of the experts, the implementation of these policies, It calls for precise planning as a basis for self-fulfillment. In this regard, institutions as the rules of the game in the community and the most important means of interpreting external facts, as well as the grounds for executive actions, play an unmistakable role in the implementation of any program, and for this reason, we attempt to develop in this paper. Let's take them into consideration.
This research, which is descriptive in terms of the applied developmental purpose, in terms of the mixed approach and descriptive analytical method, has tried to analyze the content of the documents through the Web and the library as well as through the interview and distribution of the questionnaire among the 12 academic experts and The top economic leaders of the country compiled for the above issue.
 The present study also examines the role of institutions in implementing general policies of resilient economics and proposes, along with the proposed institutional mapping, the components of the content analysis of the general policy guidelines, which is provided by a questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been confirmed by the experts. Its main question is how the institutions co-operate in implementing the general policies of the resistance economy and its associated institutions, and its subsidiary implications are how to influence the implementation of the general policies of resilient economics and the institutional arrangements and structures that are effective in implementing the overall policies of the resistance economy. According to experts, informal institutional arrangements (culture and beliefs), institutional structures (administrative bodies), and non-governmental institutional structures (NGOs and organizations) require improvement and improvement. At the same time, formal institutional arrangements (laws and regulations and property rights) require a fundamental change. In the area of ​​institutions associated with general policies of resistance, institutional improvement and reform are essential


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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