Designing a model of military deterrence from the perspective of religious teachings

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Imam Hussein University

2 Ph.D. of Defense Policy at supreme National Defense University and Strategic Research center

3 MA of science of Imam Hussein university


Military deterrence and its application date back to the history of war. In fact, deterrence does not physically repel the enemy, but psychologically prevents the enemy from invading. Today, despite the concept of deterrence in all spheres of military, defense, political, and even economic, the single model of the codified hierarchy has not been formulated in Islamic defense literature. In this research, to present the model of military deterrence, we have first obtained four valuable Islamic sources: the Holy Quran, the Prophet's Scripture, the History of Islam and the Najaf al-Balagha, through consultation and interviews with experts on identifying the main sources of Islam in the field of research. Since the word "military deterrence" is not mentioned in the above sources, the key words and components of military deterrence have been extracted through exploratory studies as well as interviews with military and strategic experts of the country. The data were collected based on the data theory process of 42 open source, 14concepts and 7 categories. In general, the model of military deterrence from the Islamic point of view is presented in the form of a paradigm-based model based on the theory of data. Given that Islam is a supporter of peace seeking for the rights of the world's oppressed, this model of military deterrence emphasizes the need to prevent war and violence, and there is a clear difference between pre-emptive Western attacks and the violence of some apparently Islamic sects and ethnicities. There is a farewell to al-Qaeda, such as the terrorist group


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