Designing an Appropriate Budgeting Model for the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Interaction with Governmental Institutions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Economics, University of Tehran

3 Doctorate in National Defense and Strategic Research from the University and Higher Research Institute.

4 PhD student of research, Higher National Defense University


Budgeting of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the most important issues in achieving the goals and missions of the national defense and security. Therefore, the amount of budget and amount of its allocation and speed is of special importance for these forces and these factors are directly related to the interaction. It has armed forces and sovereign institutions such as the government and parliament. Accordingly, establishing an interaction and coherence between the various agencies and the armed forces in terms of explaining goals and missions as well as sufficient and timely budgeting requires a systematic scientific model that can accelerate the achievement of goals and prevent delays in specified missions. . The purpose of this article is to present an appropriate model of budgeting of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in interaction with the governmental institutions. This paper is a descriptive correlational research in terms of the purpose of an applied-developmental research. The statistical population of the study consisted of 100 individuals, managers and experienced members of the governing bodies (Supreme National Security Council, General Staff of the Armed Forces, legislature, executive branch, Expediency Council, Guardian Council). The sampling was based on theoretical saturation and Purposeful sampling 97 individuals were selected. The data collection tools were also collected and analyzed through available documents as well as questionnaires and interviews. The results of the research indicate the inadequate interaction between the government and the General Staff of the Armed Forces in the preparation, regulation, and implementation of the Armed Forces budget, while the same relationship and interaction between the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the Guardian Council and the Expediency Council and the General Staff It is also optimized in the area of ​​approval, notification and monitoring of armed forces budgeting. The Armed Forces General Staff also plays a positive and effective role in proposing, approving, allocating and overseeing the budgeting of the armed forces in the country.


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    ب. منبع لاتین

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