Anchor of career path strategies for staff

Document Type : Original Article




Organizations need to make decisions to maintain, upgrade valuable forces, and make effective use of human resources to achieve development and success in today's changing environment. One of the most important steps that can be taken in this regard is to pay attention to job anchors and to plan and implement strategies for personal and organizational goals. The main purpose of this research is to discover and validate the components of anchor strategies of staff working in Tehran General Education Department. The statistical population of the study consisted of 15 organizational experts who were purposefully selected to implement the Delphi method to discover the underlying factors.
Using Cochran formula, 270 individuals were selected by stratified random sampling. Internal consistency of item validity and composite validity index were used to validate and validate constructs (mean variance index and  Fornell Larker index) as well as content validity for validation. Delphi method was used to identify the underlying factors and structural factors of job anchor strategies and confirmatory factor analysis was used for validation. The research findings showed that staff anchoring strategies in the general office include: personal development strategies (psychological empowerment, talent management and surrogacy) and organizational development strategies (improving promotion and appointment system and improving performance appraisal system(


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