Providing a model for editing managers' experiences

Document Type : Original Article




The manager experiences documentation is an undeniable necessity, Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a model for developing managers' experiences with emphasis on the methods of documenting experiences. The statistical population of this study is 113 managers Which is at the strategic level and in the area of ​​government policy and national and military apparatus that work in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in this study, a sample of 87 people was tested. The main tool of this study was first study documents, then free interview and finally a researcher-made questionnaire that Confirmed by verified experts, and then validated by Cronbach's alpha, its reliability (with a total reliability of 0.978) was confirmed and implemented. The results of this research have shown that documenting experiences involves expert selection approaches, forum, case-based arguments, storytelling and suggestion systems. Which is presented as five desirable methods for documenting managerial strategic experiences. In applying the above methods, the level of managers at the macro and organizational levels, identification of types of experiences, incorporating the rules and regulations governing the use of the discourse of the velayat-e fagih as the general policies of the Islamic system should be devoted to the methods of documenting the experiences of managers.


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