Linking mosques and education to institutionalize Islamic lifestyle

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD University and Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research

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3 Assistant Professor, National Defense and Strategic Research Institute and the responsible author

4 Associated professor of Imam Sadegh University


The realization of the supreme ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, such as the revival of the new Islamic civilization, the constructive, active and progressive presence among nations and the preparation for the establishment of justice and spirituality in the world, requires the presentation of a practical model of the ethics and lifestyle of Islam. Explaining the role of the linkage and effective communication of education as the most widespread cultural and social institution with about 70,000 mosques in the country and its impact on the institutionalization of the Islamic lifestyle is an important step in the field of cultural Jihad. The most important principle for institutionalizing the Islamic lifestyle in education is to formulate the foundations, principles, road map, and create insights and common understanding of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The purpose of this research is to answer the question of the role of mosque transplantation with education in the institutionalization of Islamic lifestyle. This research has been done in terms of applied and developmental purpose and through qualitative research method, data collection has been done. The statistical society of the research consists of two parts of the documentary society and the expert community. Data from exploratory studies and interviews with experts were extracted and used by Maxqda software and through qualitative content analysis method. This research included identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the education system. And training, and providing a strategy and suggestion on the effective communication of the institution of the mosque with the field of education


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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