Providing an Evolutionary Transformation Management Model And strategic planning methodology

Document Type : Original Article


1 رئیس گروه مدیریت راهبردی

2 Professor and faculty member of AJA Command and Staff


Strategic management is a three-step process involving strategic planning, strategic implementation, and strategic evaluation. The output of the first stage is strategic planning, and this process is ongoing because the assumptions underlying the planning are not constant and are constantly changing. Of these three steps, strategic planning has always been and remains a challenge. So far this is a convenient, transferable and unambiguous approach has not been introduced to thinkers in strategic defense and security sciences; This study explored the evolutionary transformation management model and the methodology for developing a strategy for it has provided that stakeholders in the field of strategic defense and security sciences can also make good use of it. The examples given in this research because of the documentation,
 They are in the field of business, but their translation can be found in other areas Research ahead Descriptive based on the purpose of the development and application and in terms of data collection this is a case study. The authors of this study have presented their strategic management model as "Evolutionary Transformational Management" and the Strategic Planning Process as "Analytical Framework 829".
In this research, the tools for performing each activity are also presented.


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