Gray Zone Conflicts, Emerging Concept of Future In Defense Managemant

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences and Future War Researcher

2 Future Senior Research Fellow


Evolutionary theories about the future war will examine the transformation of war in a developmental process based on important milestones in human history and civilization. The past wars were conducted directly and completely between the countries or alliances involved in the war, the recent wars were held to a limited extent, the future war is being fought in a gray area conflict, a dual gray zone Conflicts called Peace and War In terms of its course, it is somewhat similar to an uncontrollable, hybrid war. The main purpose of this paper is to explain the gray areas Conflicts as the concept of the future In Defense Managemant. This research is based on a case study and is an applied method. The method of collecting field and library information and the statistical population of 120 people, using Analytical methods have been utilized and the results of the study indicate that full-fledged and limited war has caused public discontent and cost to the United States, which is why Americans are looking to create a gray area Conflicts by destroying the Takfiri-terrorist groups, supporting NGOs reducing costs and casualties. Gray areas Conflicts include Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, the South China Sea and Ukraine. The best way to challenge the gray area Conflicts& Managemant is ​​the Muslim Alliance against terrorism and avoiding conflicts of identity and differences in order to prevent US presence in the West Asian region


  • منابع فارسی

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    ب. منابع لاتین

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