Comparative analysis of ethics standards of science with the components of scientific ethics in the era of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member, University of Tehran

2 Doctor of Strategic Knowledge Management

3 MA in English Loss Education


With the expansion of scientific methods and increasing demand in this field, the violation and misconduct have also been expanded in the world of science, and acts such as data mining, fraud, abuse and theft have brought other people's works into their own name ... It may seem that they can be called anti-ethical behavior in science. The present article aims at clarifying and assisting in the recognition of the status of scientific ethics and the standards of scientific ethics along with the elaboration of the practice of Imam Khomeini (Rahmaullah Alyha) in this field. The issue of this research is the absence of a practical model in the field of scientific ethics.
Accordingly, research goals have been formed; that is, helping to better understand the opinions of the ethics of science and studying the relevant criteria and mentioning the common points of the ethics of science and the components of ethics in the scientific direction of Imam (Rahmaullah Alyha), which is to achieve To them, answering research questions, which are "What are the ethical standards in the field of science?" And "Are the components of scientific ethics applicable to the scientific ethics of the Imam (Rahmaullah Alyha) with the standards of the ethics of science applicable?" It is essential. This research is a type of adaptation (developmental, practical) and has conducted a cross-sectional (qualitative and quantitative) field and library study and analyzed the data.
. In the qualitative section, using documentary studies, a comparative study of existing views in the field of methodology of knowledge was developed and, finally, by relying on the analysis of qualitative content, to present the main categories and the main propositions, then in the quantitative approach, the results of the qualitative section. The research hypothesis has been analyzed and tested. The research community consists of existing resources related to the philosophy of science, scientific ethics and the role of Imam (Rahmulullah Alayh), and the sampling was done with theoretical saturation logic and the information was collected to saturation and using qualitative analysis techniques; Analyzed and analyzed. In the quantitative section, in order to test the hypothesis, a sample of 40 PhD students was selected randomly and the questionnaire was referred to them. After the final analysis, the hypothesis of the research was tested and proved, and Imam Khomeini (Rahmulullah Alayh (it is a good model for scientific ethics.


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