Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Knowledge Sharing At Iran News Agency (IRNA)

Document Type : Original Article


1 SyyedEzatolah Fateminasab, PhD student of knowledge management

2 Associate Professor / Imam Sadeq University


Using adaptable and intelligent strategies in knowledge management processes allows organizations to succeed and compete in a challenging environment. Knowledge sharing is one of the most important components of knowledge management. Sharing means to share data, information, and experiences. In other words, through the process of sharing, the knowledge is distributed to all activities, and even beyond, outside the organization. The study employs an applied correlational research method and the study population consists of the employees of iran Islamic Republic News Agency in tehran. A sample of 50 participants is selected using cluster and simple random sampling. The findings of the research indicate that the strategic transfer and the expert transfer of knowledge are respectively the most and the least significant components of knowledge sharing. Moreover, complexity and centralization are respectively the most and the least significant components of organizational structure. Correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between the components of formalization, centralization, complexity and knowledge sharing. The results of regression analysis show that organizational structure determines 41% of knowledge sharing variance. In this study, the organizational centralization is mostly an explanatory component. The analysis results of structural equation modeling with LISREL indicates a good fit for the model of the relationship between two variables of organizational structure and knowledge sharing.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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