The basis of the legislative system In the discourse of Velayat-e faqih

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of University and National Defense Research Institute, Strategic Research

2 Ph.D. Student, University and National Defense Research Institute, Strategic Research


Legislation is one of the most important issues and strategic issues in the overall management of all political systems, including the Islamic Republic system. Obviously, legislation in each country is based on the foundations and fundamental values ​​and orientation elements that are rooted primarily in the thinking of the leaders and the constitution of the country.
Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to explain the key elements (goals, doctrines and general policies) of our country's legislative system based on the discourse of Velayat-e faqih (Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader).
The research method used was descriptive-analytical and information analysis with qualitative content analysis method by collecting information in a library of statistical society including all available documents containing Imam Khomeini's and Supreme Leader's guidance and trials. .
The results of the research show the most important directional components of the research as follows: Objectives: The expansion of the Islamic law, the establishment and expansion of justice in society, the preservation and continuation of the values ​​of the revolution, humanization and the preservation and development of social norms and norms and moral virtues, the provision of basic rights and legitimate demands of the people, the presentation of a new model of Islam-based legislation Peaceful Mohammad (PBUH) to the world. Doctrines: The rule of law of God, the rule of law based on the Islamic law of pure Mohammadi (PBUH), adherence to the principle of Velayat-e faqih, religious democracy, universal justice, dignity and perfection of man, adherence to the constitution, the importance of moral virtues, Human knowledge and expert opinions.
Policies: Paying special attention to the principles of pure Mohammadi's Islam (PBUH), relying on the idea of ​​the Velayat-e faqih and supporting it in the formulation of laws, the conformity of ordinary laws with the constitution and its optimal implementation, prioritizing the interests of the revolution and the system and people, observance The features of good law, reliance on word unity and national cohesion and the continuation of the revolution, legislation with a self-control approach and value to human virtues, the importance of continuous and effective monitoring of the implementation of the law.


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