The Role of Heading or Parliamentary Structure in the Power of IRI’s Power: A Study

Document Type : Original Article


- Ph.D. candidate for Strategic Management, SNDU.


The IRI’s polity is of experience in the political structure overseeing the parliamentary system.  The country was run upon parliamentary structure before the Constitution was reviewd in 1989. In contrast, some pundits maintain that the heading system structure meets the national requirements no more and provides not for a space suitable for interction of the three bodies. On the other hand, there are some who hold that this change sould be conducted when the country owns a party system in its actual shape; otherwise, the change eliminates no problem.  Hence, the marked distiction between a political heading structure and a parliamentary one depends on the appointment of chief executive body. This distinction is realized where the executive body which is established with the indirect mass ballot deems itself respondent to the legislature and the legislature finds a legal superiority versus the former.
Therefore, the systemic farme of governing institutions in poilities is of a high importance in that the formaion of the political system as well as the principle of efficiency indicates that the division of resposibilities and affairs are analyzed appropriately. By the same token, this study deals with the institutional formation of government and division of tasks among individuals as a mechanism which seeks the appropriate structure for the country. This study is conducted with interpretation-analysis and adopting the viewpoints of experts active in the related fields.
