Ordering Goodness and Preventing from Evil: A Strategic Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member, SNDU.

2 Ph.D. candidate for Strategic Management, SNDU


Ordering goodness and preventing from evil have been two accepted principles among all nations during the history in that the two embrace human interests and are based on reason and temperament.Meanwhile, this study aims at presenting a policy model for administration of ordering goodness and preventing from evil through a mixed method.Doing so, it makes up a population out of experts, specialists and pundits, scholars of seminary and university, and experienced managers and policy-makers in the related organizations. Following,the sampling is conducted through Snowball in an objective manner.The outcome of the study demonstrates that establishing an institution for coordination among stochholders and activating theoretical studies to update regulations as well as prioritizing in practical aspect in order to implement the findings, could fulfill a system that besides considering and exploiting religious Islamic teachings, could establish legality and root out corruption and move in line with the directives of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Imam Khameneie(ph). Such an institution could teach the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran to other nations and be a model for healthy government. 
