Future Studies Of Saudi Arabia Security Threat Management In The West Asia Region (Actors & Accelerators Factors)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, National Defense and Strategic Research Institute and the responsible author

2 Ph.D. in Strategic Management

3 Graduated from Ph.D. in Future Studies, University and National Defense Research Institute and Strategic Research


Relations and  mutual approachess between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia have had ups and downs over the past few decades which, despite the limited cooperation, has always been accompanied  by rivalry and controversy. In this situation  and in light of Arab hostile actions at the  regional and  international levels, it is essential to recognize the actors  involved in the threats and the accelerating factors in this process. This is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical methodology and  has benefited from a mixed approach. Data collection tools were interviews, focal group and questionnaire. The results show that such  issues as the spiritual and  regional influence in the Islamic world, the survival of the Palestinian cause, the co-operation of Iraq and Syria, the authority and the Defensive and missile power, and ... Saudi efforts to develop Wahhabi thinking and support for terrorist and extremist groups, the challenge of  leading the Islamic world and regional supremacist actor has been instrumental in the emergence of security threats in the face of conflicts. Also, among the regional and  international actors in the United States, the Zionist regime and the Takfiri terrorist groups with a minimum of control; the European Union, the Arab League, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the UN Security Council with moderate control capabilities, as well as Russia, Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah, Ansar Allah Yemen, Hashd al-Sha'abi, in line with the Islamic Republic of Iran, have been active in the emergence or control of Saudi security threats


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