A study The impact of organizational communication on knowledge sharing in the Islamic Republic of Iran Railway

Document Type : Original Article


1 SyyedEzatolah Fateminasab, PhD student of knowledge management

2 EbrahIm Mahmoudzadeh, Associate Professor, University of Malek Ash


Effective communication is an important element for successful management in organizations. In other words, a better understanding of communication can improve the organizational effectiveness. Effective communication leads to relevant, accurate, complete, fast and timely information and sharing tacit knowledge in different layers of an organization. It is vital to effective decision-making by managers.
Lack of effective communication contributes to the failure of many organizations in today’s dynamic and fast-growing world. Communication is in fact a system for coordination and integration, creating a common ground for organizational activities, and eventually, increasing productivity in organizations. The increasing growth of knowledge-based economy and corporations highlights the need for more attention to communication associated with knowledge sharing.
This is an applied survey research, using descriptive and correlational analyses. The population consists of all managers and experts of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways Company in Tehran.
The research findings showed that factors such as organizational climate, expansion of horizontal relationships and individual factors like optimism, positive relationship with other infrastructure factors like familiarity with technologies have an impact on knowledge sharing process. Moreover, the results of structural equation modeling analysis indicated that data collected from the railway company support the research hypothesis.
