Designing an Optimal Political Culture Pattern in Strategic Cultural Management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein University and author

2 Graduated Ph.D. in Engineering Systems of Cultural Systems of Imam Hossein University


"Favorable political culture" in the strategic cultural system of the country is in tune with other strategic ideas and always suggests the epistemological approaches of political activists, statesmen and social forces. In this area, the concern of national interests, constructive behavior and coordination among political actors is emphasized.Considering the difference in attitudes and cultural, political and social attitudes within the system, it is not possible to follow a unitary attitude. On the other hand, the presence of society in the spectrum of dissonance also causes disagreement and challenges the social capital of the system.Considering the above and considering the fact that by changing the political systems of the past (Qajar, Pahlavi 1 and 2) and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, Iranian society still has some disparate and conflicting attitudes on the national and strategic levels. The present study aims to "design a model of optimal political culture in the country's cultural strategic management".In the present research, documentary research method, questionnaire and interview with 40 expert experts have been used. Also, for analyzing the data, the factor structure analysis technique was used which resulted in the presentation of a "conceptual model of a desirable political culture" consisting of five factors, thirteen components and twenty four indicators.


منابع و مآخذ
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