Naval Force Development, A Basis for Economics of Defence

Document Type : Original Article


1 naval science academy

2 Faculty member of commanding University of I.R. Iran’s Army Navy Force


Having more than 2000 kilometers of water borders through Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, Islamic Republic of Iran is considered a sea inter related country. The natural gift of sea and coasts plays an important role in promotion of the defensive, security position and the sociocultural, economic and political development of the country in the region and the world. Naval power has a special place because of this special geopolitics condition. By increasing developments in technology changes in political paradigms in the word, the importance of the sea has changes greatly. Today sea and naval power have great military, political and geopolitics importance other that the before known economic importance. This issue is of that importance which many geopolitics experts believe without having naval military power, any country soon will be a target of other countries’ offence. The development of I.R. Iran naval power hasn’t been concerned as it should in spite of the great capacities of the country. This paper aims to present the naval power development strategies of the country.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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