Identifying and prioritizing strategic factors affecting on Land use planning from the national security perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor and faculty member at university of Dafows AJA


Security is the most basic need of every society and the most important factor in the survival of life. Land use planning involves the relationship between man, space and human activity in space, in order to exploit logically all possibilities, science and experience over time to achieve national goals and strategies. South-east of Iran in terms of military status can play a special role in the adoption of national security and regional strategies for Iran and it will enjoy the ability and mobility of the intra-ocean in military, commercial, scientific and economic activities. The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the strategic factors affecting land use planning of south-east of Iran from the perspective of national security. The statistical population includes civil and military authorities and officials of the government responsible for land use planning and security counted to 250, who are selected by random sampling method. The type of research is applied and research method is descriptive-analytic. The results of statistical analysis in the ranking of Friedman test determine the following factors as an effective strategic factors on the south-east of Iran.
Average ranking for land management is 4, average ranking for economic activities (general welfare level) is 2.73, for human (population) is 2.27 and for space is 1.


منابع و مآخذ
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