Assistant professor of Department Technology management, central Tehran branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran, Iran. Email:
Today, R&D and activities related to the acquisition of new high technologies around the world is a major industrial activity. Organizations have paid close attention to networking in order to reduce time and achievement risk and have considered its role in the success of R&D projects. In the present study, the effective factors on networking capability in R&D management have been investigated. Networking capability in R&D management of aerospace industry due to its cost and time is one of the important pillars for the success of innovative organizational activities. In the present study, the effective factors on networking capability have been investigated. The research is applied in terms of purpose and is a descriptive survey method. In this regard, the factors affecting the capability of R&D networking based on literature review and opinion of aerospace industry experts have been extracted and a questionnaire approved in the community of distribution experts and the results have been confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations and Smart-PLS software. Then, the dimensions of networking capability based on fuzzy network analysis method were prioritized in terms of network configuration and structure, managerial and organizational, network interaction and communication management, policies and strategies, and finally financial resources.
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