. the member of the faculty of the seminary and university research institute, Email: ashafiee844@gmail.com
Resistance economics is one of the main needs of Islamic society in all ages and the Holy Quran as an eternal miracle has not been indifferent to meeting this need. During their mission and rule, the divine prophets have faced all kinds of threats, sanctions and crises, which, with the help of the source of revelation and with appropriate measures, have been able to make decisions that are fruitful both in their own time and for other times and all societies. He has been a learner and a lesson In this article, in order to achieve the model of realization of resistance economy with Quranic approach in response to the main research question by using the story-based contemplation method in the Holy Quran, the model of strategic management of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in managing the drought economic crisis to strengthen Egypt Paid. Research approaches and results show that this model includes input elements such as "monotheistic perspective" and process elements such as "strategies and strategic principles" and output elements such as "strategic actions" and includes strategy formulation, implementation and strategic evaluation. It can be used as a model for the development and implementation of a resistance economy. Modeling a resistance economy inspired by the strategic management model of Yousef Nabi (AS), can lead the country to the shore of calm in crisis management.
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Shafiei, A. (2024). Islamic strategic management, the main strategy to achieve a resistance economy: An approach to the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS). Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 8(31), 91-120.
Shafiei, A. . "Islamic strategic management, the main strategy to achieve a resistance economy: An approach to the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)", Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 8, 31, 2024, 91-120.
Shafiei, A. (2024). 'Islamic strategic management, the main strategy to achieve a resistance economy: An approach to the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)', Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 8(31), pp. 91-120.
A. Shafiei, "Islamic strategic management, the main strategy to achieve a resistance economy: An approach to the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)," Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 8 31 (2024): 91-120,
Shafiei, A. Islamic strategic management, the main strategy to achieve a resistance economy: An approach to the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS). Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 2024; 8(31): 91-120.