Guidelines for Roadmap of Mostazafan Foundation of Islamic Revolution as a Developmental Institution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Malek Ashtar University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Strategic Management, Faculty of Management, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran, and Responsible Author,


The activity of development institutions has a significant role in the economy and development of countries' industries. The Foundation of the Underprivileged of the Islamic Revolution, as one of the most important institutions that was established by the order of Imam Khomeini (RA), has an important mission in the removal of deprivation and the economic activity of the country. Determining the guiding lines of the road map is important in formulating a strategic plan. The aim of the current research is to determine the broad outlines of the road map of Mustafafan Foundation as a development institution. The paradigm of the current research is interpretative and it has used the qualitative research method based on Narrative inquiry. The data has been collected through the library study of documents, documents, regulations, previous strategies and published reports until the end of 2022. In this research, there were 16 people from the presidents of the eras, members of the board of trustees of Mustafafan Foundation, managers and senior vice presidents of economics and deprivation reduction in the foundation, and executive and scientific experts in similar institutions. The results showed that the guidelines of the road map of Mustafafan Foundation, as a development institution responsible for its creation, are located in 8 dimensions, which are: 1) industrial development, 2) development of knowledge-based technology, 3) development of human capital, 4) development of foreign exchange. 5) development of food security, 6) development of national infrastructure,7) development of platform economy & 8) elimination of deprivation. Mustafafan Foundation plays a role by considering the two axes of compensating for the market failure in allocating resources and compensating for the government's failure in governance as a development institution.


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